Friday, October 16, 2015

Aperture, Shutter Speed and ISO -Hoesay


Aperture Setting F2.8
Aperture Setting F 16
1. Our eyes themselves work similar to a camera. Pupils will get bigger which allows more light in and vice versa they shrink.
2. The smaller the aperture, the larger the f-number. The larger the aperture the smaller the f-number.
3. The size of the aperture affects the background more importantly. It can make the foreground in focus and completely blur the background and not allow anything in the back to distract the viewer from the foreground. Vice versa, it can still focus clearly on the foreground but it'd leave some details in the background still visible and can distract the viewer from the foreground.

Shutter Speed

1. A booth in the middle of the yard near the Tree
2. A food booth outside under one of the big red awnings
3. The Starts performance inside the gym
4. Students dancing near the center of the courtyard
5. People streaming in from the front doors
6. The basketball booth where students are shooting basketballs at a hoop

1. A booth in the middle of the yard near the Tree
2. A food booth outside under one of the big red awnings
3. The Starts performance inside the gym
4. Students dancing near the center of the courtyard
5. People streaming in from the front doors
6. The basketball booth where students are shooting basketballs at a hoop

High Shutter Speed
Slow Shutter Speed that could've been taken with a high shutter speed


1. What are the advantages of shooting at a higher ISO at a sporting event like basketball or a night football game?
 Even though the lighting isn't too great the camera can still work with the dim lighting and although the picture might appear grainy it'll still produce an image. 
2. What suggestions did the author make about using a low ISO?
Always use it in order to have the highest definition and retain the most detail. 
3. What suggestions did the author make about using a high ISO?
 Only increase it when there's little light in order to freeze motion. 

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