Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Prompt Shoot -Hoesay

Purple, Snapple Juice with the background all blurred and the only clear subject to it. Rule of Thirds.

Metal, I personally see a small man with a beard picking up either another person or some text trying to show superiority. Simplicity. 

Electric, I couldn't find the image on my folder so I'm guessing it wasn't downloaded properly. No excuses though, I can explain what I was trying to capture. I was walking towards one of the portables and I noticed these tubes connecting to the air conditioner. I stood right in front and walked a couple steps to the right and filled the frame with the light yellow wall and the main focus being the air conditioner and the pipes running left and right. 

Self Portrait and Portrait Part I -Hoesay


Alter Your Perspective

Most portraits are taken with the camera at (or around) the eye level of the subject. While this is good common sense – completely changing the angle that you shoot from can give your portrait a real WOW factor.
10 Ways to Take Stunning Portraits

Take Unfocused Shots

As photographers we have ‘sharp focus’ drummed into us as an ultimate objective to achieve in our work – but sometimes lack of focus can create shots with real emotion, mood and interest.
There are two main strategies for taking unfocused images that work:
1. Focus upon one element of the image and leave your main subject blurred. To do this use a large aperture which will create a narrow depth of field and focus upon something in front of or behind your subject.

Environmental Portrait 

This footballer is in his environment, which is the soccer field, and the viewer can see nothing but the main subject. Him
This dancer in her studio practicing some stretches to improve her flexibility and her overall performance. 
Self Portrait 

A girl pretending to end it and instead of a bullet coming out the other end, confetti comes out; 
A beautiful girl filling the frame with just her being the main subject.  
Casual Portrait 

To emphasize herself the rest of the background is out of focus and we can only see her, the main point, and in high definition. 
Same concept as the girl above, everything else behind her is slightly out of focus leaving her to be the emphasis point.  


I plan on taking pictures of myself and my doggy Lulu. I hope to get a picture of her in Rule of Thirds if she's willing to cooperate with me and not mess around trying to play especially since I plan on taking the picture early in the morning. Another thing I like to do is read books on business, so I plan on getting a few pictures of myself reading. 

Monday, December 7, 2015

Love and Loss -Hoesay

I felt sadness. It showed the deterioration of a human and her partner as well, watching his loved one fight something that can't be touched. Cancer can only be tamed and in some lucky cases it can be beaten.

Photos are a moment in time. It captures us in a period of time that does not always define us. She was never struggling with cancer, nor was she always happy, or sad, or in despair. Her husband caught her in a moment in time that she wasn't stuck in.

As much as I want to say yes I couldn't. It'd be very difficult for me watching a loved one slowly die and be in agony.

"In the despair that you've documented, you've created one of the most beautiful arts I've ever seen."

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

American Soldier -Hoesay

Set 1: Image #1-3
Set 2: Image #4-8
Set 3: Image #9-27

The first set of images were the most powerful because it showed his life before the major responsibility he carried on his shoulders. Which is to look after an entire country against a group of terrorists that have no remorse.

As a story they have perfect sequence, it shows his previous life and how going into the army changed him into a new responsible man who would in the future return to his family whom he loves and missed so much.

The photos in which Ian was the subject they were usually in past tense. Captions under the photos add to the story and give a better detailed story.

His life before the Army consisted of drugs, parties, and overall bad behavior that no young adult should be in, at least not every day. He joins the Army and gets drafted, once in, he begins the basic training. Through rough sergeants and colleagues he makes it through a better person than ever before.