Tuesday, December 1, 2015

American Soldier -Hoesay

Set 1: Image #1-3
Set 2: Image #4-8
Set 3: Image #9-27

The first set of images were the most powerful because it showed his life before the major responsibility he carried on his shoulders. Which is to look after an entire country against a group of terrorists that have no remorse.

As a story they have perfect sequence, it shows his previous life and how going into the army changed him into a new responsible man who would in the future return to his family whom he loves and missed so much.

The photos in which Ian was the subject they were usually in past tense. Captions under the photos add to the story and give a better detailed story.

His life before the Army consisted of drugs, parties, and overall bad behavior that no young adult should be in, at least not every day. He joins the Army and gets drafted, once in, he begins the basic training. Through rough sergeants and colleagues he makes it through a better person than ever before.

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