Thursday, March 31, 2016

My First Interview -Hoesay

Student of the Month Questions 

1. What is your name? Jasmine Chau
2. How did you react to receiving Student of the Month Award? I had a feeling I was going to get it
3. What about your family? They were very supportive and very proud
4. Did you think you were going to win, if not, who did you think would've won? I had a feeling I was going to win but my competition would’ve been you but I wasn’t worried
 5. Is this something that took a lot of effort or are you naturally a studious person? It was easy, the past two years I’ve been on top of my work
 6. Do you have any reasons to try and win in April as well or are you satisfied with winning this award? I’m satisfied with this already
7. Do you know anyone else who won the award? It was just a one time thing
 8. Were your friends proud of you, were any of them jealous, do you think you’ll cut ends with any of them? What are friends?
9. What are the chances of you putting this on your resume for college, do you think you can potentially impress one of your top choices for college? Colleges wouldn’t really look at that but I doubt they would be impressed
 10. Going back to the amount of effort it took what exactly made you think you deserved to win Student of the Month? Grades, the quality I have in a classroom and knowledge
 11. Have any of the people you know changed after you won the award? They go to me for advice and how to improve their struggling areas
 12. Do teachers look at you differently and give you less attention now that you've proven you're more advanced than most students? They look at me the same but noticed my potential
 13. Who do you dedicate your award to? Myself
 14. Do you have any siblings, if so, do you brag about your award to them and what is their reaction? I have two younger siblings but I wouldn’t brag about it to them but I’d use it as a goal for them
 15. Do you think you're better than everyone now that you've won? No, I just consider myself a hard working student
 16. Would you say this is a confidence booster and in what ways?  In a way, I guess I kinda got recognition for my work
 17. What part of your effort helped seal your victory over the rest of the school? My willingness to get things done whether I thought I couldn’t and still tried
 18. A memorable moment throughout the school year? When I went up in front of my class to present my speech and messed up
 19. Any troubles throughout the month that made it seem like you wouldn't win the award? Showing up, going to class, etc

20. Lastly, your favorite hobby/class/teacher? Hobby: Dancing, Class: U.S History Teacher: Lyon

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