Monday, September 28, 2015

Photo Manipulation and Ethics -Hoesay

Photo manipulation in my opinion is horrible, it creates a false image that can ruin the way a person is perceived. Models for example are photoshopped to appear as perfect beings, a falsehood of perfection that doesn't exist and has people feel bad about themselves for not looking like the "perfect beings" in the pictures.

Re-creating a meeting where photographers weren't present is unethical, people who don't really understand the context will think that two enemies have now formed an alliance.  

The original photo didn't include the puppy. With or without the pup wouldn't have made me view the image differently, it's not that big a deal. 

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Great Black and White Photographers Part 2 -Hoesay

This photo was shot by Walker Evans whom is remembered for his photographs during The Great Depression and the effects it had. All of his art work is black and white which during that time period fit the moment. 

Walker Evans was born on November 3rd, 1903 in St. Louis, Missouri. He worked as a store clerk from 1927-1929 on Wall Street, meanwhile, along with being a store clerk he also took up photography in 1928. Two of his inspirations were Eugène Atget and August Sander. Along with photography Evans also enjoyed reading and writing. In 1945 he booked a job to write for Time Magazine, later on he joined Fortune Magazine as an editor in 1965, along with being a professor at Yale University School of Art that same year. Evans passed away in his own home in New Haven, Connecticut 1975. At the turn of the millennium he was inaugurated into the Walk of Fame.

More of his artwork that I find pleasing to look at

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Prompt Shoot -Hoesay

 I think this photo follows the rule of simplicity, it's straight forward and the background is nice. 
 Another simplicity, my subject is clear and the background fits the time period in which this was taken school 

 My least favorite pictures, lines are major in this photo, on the ceiling, the hallway, the white line leading to the actual subject.
One of my favorite photos on here, I believe this is rule of thirds, my subject is clear and the background is completely blurred allowing just the subject to take the spotlight. 

Framing, repetition amongst the pillars themselves are creating this void that looks like it gets deeper and deeper. 

Bad merger, the pipe in the background looks like it's coming out of the can of chips and the lighting is horrible. 

Post Shoot Reflection -Hoesay

Some challenges I encountered during the shoot was the time constraint and being creative enough to get the proper angle and lighting to fit the picture. For the most part I'm really into the rule of thirds so trying to get different composition rules was difficult. I really focused on getting the focus to be as perfect as possible more than anything else. Figuring out the position I needed to be in was a difficult as well to get the proper angle.

If I could do this assignment again I'd change the pictures for Bowie and Happy, the angles I chose for both the pictures were horrible in my opinion and could definitely use some work. My favorite picture was Metal, I wouldn't change a thing about that picture.

I really really like Bowie and Square, the subject is clear, in the Bowie picture it has a little off centered look to it which is amazing. In Square although it could've been a better idea to be directly under the square it's still a great picture, the diagonal lines lead the viewer to the square in the middle.
However, for happy, although it is a good picture the trash can kind of interferes with the shot and maybe a little more work with the angle could've been done. A good photo, but it definitely had more potential.

9/11 Composition Photos -Hoesay

It's a straight forward picture, the towers were hit; simplicity

The photographers was above ground level and was showing the entire scenario before the plane hit; framing

The composition of this photo are built on the lines of the building

Most of the scene is proportional; balance

In comparison to the wreckage the man looks small and off centered; rule of thirds 

Understandable that in the moment of the event angle was the last thing going through the photographers mind, moving a little over to the right would've made this better. Since the man on the left wouldn't have been cut off; merging 

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

The Camera -Hoesay

The Camera 

1. The Greek and Chinese discovered an effect which when translated to English, means dark room, in a completely dark room there was a small hole in a wall. Light was focused and the picture appeared on the wall opposite where the small hole was made. 
2. Isaac Newton and Christian Huygens perfected and better understood optics and the process of making high quality lenses. 
3. A glass lens, film, & a dark box 
4. The invention of digital film 
5. They still use glass lens, film, and a dark box 

Camera Modes 
6. Auto Mode controls flash and focus unlike Program mode where you can control flash and some other settings. 
7. Portrait mode is used to blur out the background and focus on the person or object the camera is pointing at. 
8. Sport Mode freezes all motion and the camera uses the highest shutter speed possible 

The Half Press 
9. It focuses on the shot and it still allows you to check the surroundings, which provides you with an opportunity to maybe switch positions or change the angle and get a better shot. 

Controlling Flash
10. Disabled flash
11. The flash is automatic 

Introduction to Exposure 
12. Too much light and the photo is washed out
13. Not enough light and the photo is too dark 

The Universal Stop 
14. A term used to describe the change of light. 
15. 1
16. 2

Shutters and Aperture 
17. The longer the shutter the more light. 
18. The shorter the shutter the less light there is. 
19. Brightness is reduced. 
20. "Aperture Opening" aka F-Stop 

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Great Black and White Photos -Hoesay

Berenice Abbott
 El at Columbus Avenue and Broadway 1935-1939
I like this photo due to the angle that it's at. It's just of a small town with people walking around heading to their destination and as you can see there's a random horse there trotting with the people unbothered. 

Walker Evans
Parked Car, Small Town, Main Street 1932
The picture seems to have some story or background to it, the woman clearly looks in distress as her husband 
Harry Callahan
Detroit 1943
Repetition effect is really cool and it looks like there's just a swarm of the same cars. The environment fits and nothing looks out of the ordinary. 

1st Day Photos -Hoesay

I like the first two photos, the first one has a nice flower and it has the background blurred, which is one of my favorite things to do when taking photos, however, the angle could’ve been much much better. The second photo has some humor behind it, not only is it a picture of just a trashcan with the school as its background, the joke is that’s what I thought of my first day. It was trash.