Tuesday, September 8, 2015

The Camera -Hoesay

The Camera 

1. The Greek and Chinese discovered an effect which when translated to English, means dark room, in a completely dark room there was a small hole in a wall. Light was focused and the picture appeared on the wall opposite where the small hole was made. 
2. Isaac Newton and Christian Huygens perfected and better understood optics and the process of making high quality lenses. 
3. A glass lens, film, & a dark box 
4. The invention of digital film 
5. They still use glass lens, film, and a dark box 

Camera Modes 
6. Auto Mode controls flash and focus unlike Program mode where you can control flash and some other settings. 
7. Portrait mode is used to blur out the background and focus on the person or object the camera is pointing at. 
8. Sport Mode freezes all motion and the camera uses the highest shutter speed possible 

The Half Press 
9. It focuses on the shot and it still allows you to check the surroundings, which provides you with an opportunity to maybe switch positions or change the angle and get a better shot. 

Controlling Flash
10. Disabled flash
11. The flash is automatic 

Introduction to Exposure 
12. Too much light and the photo is washed out
13. Not enough light and the photo is too dark 

The Universal Stop 
14. A term used to describe the change of light. 
15. 1
16. 2

Shutters and Aperture 
17. The longer the shutter the more light. 
18. The shorter the shutter the less light there is. 
19. Brightness is reduced. 
20. "Aperture Opening" aka F-Stop 

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