Friday, January 22, 2016

Prompt Photo Shoot Peer Review -Hoesay

1. My favorite photo would have to be "Pause" it's cropped really well and the lighting is perfect. 
2. My least favorite photo would be "Footprints" due to the way it's cropped. Part of it is cut out from the picture, good idea though and it's evident what the point of the photograph was. 
3. Overall the ideas were good and up to par with the assignment. Along with the rules of photography, simplistic, rule of thirds, and filling the frame. 
4. An area where there could be improvement would be execution in one of the picture like Footprints, other than that nothing else. 
5. The best prompt they portrayed was "Pause" like I said before they executed it perfectly and overall was a great picture. It stands out with the lighting especially. 
6. The prompt they did least successful was footprints, I think if the cropping had been better it would've been a different perspective, backing up a little or a totally different angle. 

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