1. Name: Alyssa Schukar
Her general focus is stories and darkness.
3 Problems: she lacks emotion in her photos, distance, and it's not the best story.
2 Pros: good graphics and the background is overall impressive, what I personally like is the actual story but I don't think it was narrated well, and I agree with the judges in the lack of emotions.
2. Name: Jordan Murph
General focus was spots and there were two photo stories afterwards that showed rehab and Japanese radio stations.
3 Problems: He kept repeating the same background and theme, in one of the photos it was a great shot but no clear subject in it which ruined it, lastly some photos were kind of boring. Anyone could've taken the photos in some of them and it lacked creativity.
2 Pros: The lighting in the beginning of the photos were good but the stories however brought the overall art down. I personally liked the photos in the beginning but basing off what the judges said I do agree that the stories were what brought the overall quality down.
3. Name: Daryl Peveto
The main focus in this presentation was people and capturing them in interesting moments.
3 Problems: The caption in the first photo was misplaced and it deserved to be placed on another photo. The final photo story didn't fit the criteria for a photo story, it'd fit TV but not a photo story, finally the amount of blur put in a photo.
2 Problems: The lighting in some of the beginning photos, the judges also thought the separation of POV's was pretty cool
Winner: Dustin Snipes
a) A big strength was the variety of color in most of the photos. The judges liked how close Dustin would get to the subjects themselves in order to get a good shot. None of the photos were labeled as bad by the judges and finally they also liked how in almost all the photos everyone of his subjects was doing something different. They weren't just standing around like ducks.
b) One major strength I noticed was how he caught all his subjects doing something different and in terms of weakness I didn't see any. I agree with the judges opinion.
Contest Summary
The judges picked the winner by going through every single photo and assessing the strengths and weaknesses of all the photographers and picking out the best photographer. Once they each picked out who was the best they announced that person as the winner.
Part 2
1. I agree with the judges on the sled photo because of the motion and the lines. It's a good picture.
2. Disagreeing with the judges on the photo of the red car turning the corner. He did a good job panning with the car and he angled his shot pretty good.
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