School and work don't really go hand in hand, from personal experience I've learned. They're only so much a person can take and it can take its toll on someone at such a young age. Stress builds up especially when students want to keep up their 4.0 GPA.
40% of the student who were interviewed about how stressful it was to balance work and school claimed that it was extremely difficult. Most had to choose between either leaving work for a while until summer came around, or make money, learn people skills in the real world, and have their grades suffer to some extent.
I, having experience in this, can agree that it can be difficult and wish there were different routes to deal with this situation. Starting with homework, depending on the students schedule homework should still be given but maybe an extra day should be given.
In times and out times, for some of my co-workers their shifts start at 4:30 and we get out of school at 4:20, it's nearly impossible with Bowie traffic to make it on time and I don't think it's fair that students should be potentially out of work due to out times being so long.
Once a person gets fired for whatever reason they're record will forever have "fired" and when applying to other jobs it could greatly affect them. It's not fair and it's not right, either make the in time earlier to make the out time earlier, or give students who have work right after school some leeway on getting out of class a few minutes ahead.
A problem with this could be that students will lie to get out of class earlier but an easy solution would be to keep a note or make it a part of the attendance sheet with students who can leave earlier. In order for students to prove we work, once a month we can get a form from the school that requires the employers signature to ensure that the person still works there.
Most students can agree that this is a good idea or at least a good start. There are parents who don't want work to affect their child's school performance, but working in the real world teaches skills that school just doesn't go over.
Real world situations don't always require knowing how to find the variable in a given formula if the variable is traveling in a vacuum at the speed of light for 28.358483 seconds. Not being able to communicate with others about real world events can really affect students once school is past them. Work helps with learning how to speak to others and being confident.
Parents who think school comes first, sit down with your child and discuss what it is your child wants as their career. Depending on their answer is where school comes into play and its importance. Like if a student wants to be for example an artist, would school really be necessary. I've taken art classes and the most they ever taught me was how to mix certain colors and get a secondary or tertiary color.
Another useless idea that school brings into the picture is unnecessary classes. If a student is already sure what they want to do then it shouldn't be necessary to take it in order to graduate. Not liking a subject then being forced to take it really sucks and it should be up to students to determine what it is we want to take.
Making money is always nice and education is important but under some circumstances education systems should try and cooperate with students and maybe students wouldn't hate coming to school all the time.
Not only are students forced to do all these things but also have a job for whatever reason, it leads to stress at a very young age. Speaking form experience I know that this is how multiple students feel.
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